Feng Shui means wind water. Wind is the phenomenon of airflow due to cold and heat expansion and contraction. Water is a colorless, odorless transparent liquid and is a state of the earth surface. Solar wind is the main cause of wind and water. The phenomenon is the consciousness of space.
The Astronomy Instruction of the Taoist classic Huáinánzi divides the twenty-four solar terms into eight types of wind. The ancient Chinese developed their living, farming, construction, worship and transaction according to the eight winds of the year. In other words, there is a certain time to do certain things according to the consciousness of time.
To say that Feng Shui is geomancy is really a misnomer. Feng Shui not only involves reading the land and water formations on earth, it also requires the reading of the stars. Confucius in the Ten Wings of the Passage of Change puts it, “Look up to observe the objects in the sky; stoop down to observe the laws of the earth.” To understand Feng Shui, therefore, requires the awareness of how human beings interact with heaven and earth.
The term Feng Shui, literally wind water, was used as early as Jìn Dyansty 265-420 A.D. by Guō Pú, "Qi riding wind is scattered and where bounded by water is calm; the ancients gather it so it does not disperse and conduct it so it is calm; therefore it is called Feng Shui."
Feng Shui, or geomancy, is one of the Five Traditional Chinese Metaphysics. It is the science of time and space. It is the strategy of timing and positioning and of direction. It is the knowledge of selecting a suitable place for proper burial and for healthy living. It is an ancient Art of Mystery, also known as Blue Dark or Blue Bag. Legend has it that the originator of Feng Shui is Jiǔ-tiān Xuán-nǚ; literally the Nine Heaven Mysterious Goddess. She is a Master Shaman, a Lady Buddha, and the master of the Yellow Emperor Huangdi.
With knowledge you can create wealth and maintain health, without it you are simply hoping and praying for your luck to change. Successful people either become experts in their field or learn how to surround themselves with experts so that they can tap into their knowledge.
Feng Shui is the science of knowing yourself, understanding the conditions of your environment, and interacting with them according to the rhythm of nature, so that you can maximize your potential for success, peace and happiness in your life. Feng Shui is practical I-Ching and a study of the nature of reality. First used by those in the know to gain victory on the battlefield, it can be applied in any field of life to enhance your chances of success, health and prosperity. Feng Shui has been used in China for 4700 years because it works! Not Your Run-of-the-mill Crouching Tiger & Hidden DragonAll and everything is a Taiji, or Tai Chi, in itself. Tai Chi is the unity of Yin and Yang. One can think of Tai Chi the same as Yoga. All and everything exists for a reason and has a purpose. The dual property of Tai Chi in its various aspects is the rhythm of nature. Such rhythm is known through the interaction and interdependence of the Bagua, or Eight Trigrams.
In the eastern trigram, prenatal fire is postnatal thunderbolt. Thunderbolt belongs in the wood element. Thunderbolt-struck wood is charged with prenatal fire. We call such wood the Hidden Dragon. In the western trigram, prenatal water is postnatal lake. Lake belongs in the metal element. Meteorite metal is composed of prenatal water. We call such metal the Crouching Tiger. Earthly things are made of wood or metal. Therefore, Chinese call things dong-xi, or east-west. Thunderbolt-struck wood and meteorite metal are relatively speaking rare things. Such postnatal things are now infused with prenatal charges. Such things are a prime choice material for dharma instruments. Such things are empowered by the rhythm of nature as a protective talisman. I have acquired a few pieces of the thunderbolt-struck wood. They are been carved into Buddha and Bodhisattva pendants. I still have a few pieces, and they are reserved for my students in the class - Convergence of Radiance. Some people say that one can determine how good a feng shui master is by how well he makes his living. This sounds good but it’s not quite correct.
A so-called feng shui master, who is not very good with feng shui, can still make quite good living because of marketing and promotion. There is only one measuring standard – results. A feng shui master is very good if he keeps getting successful results for people. There are plenty of so-called feng shui masters, feng shui consultants and feng shui experts who talk about lots of stuff and fluff, but are unable to get successful results on actual cases. The Testimonials are all real cases where I have helped my friends. Feng Shui is the science of knowing yourself, understanding the conditions of your environment, and interacting with them according to the rhythm of nature.
Feng Shui literally means wind water. Wind scatters Chi. Water binds Chi. Feng Shui is the science of how to best capture the vibrant Chi in order to benefit the occupants. Real feng shui can expedite your wealth, offspring, nobility and longevity. Real feng shui is very effective and often with very dramatic successful result. Feng Shui can only expedite what’s in your potential. It cannot create something out of thin air if it’s not in your potential. You don't need a job, become a Professional Feng Shui Consultant. |
AuthorZenWise.Guru is a descendant of the ancient Sage-King Xia Yu, Controller of the Water, and a Real Feng Shui Master of royal heritage. ArchivesCategories |